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Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Really Need to Do This More Often

I was just looking at my last blog and realized the date is last month's. When I first started writing this, I think I did it almost every day. Now I'm lucky if it's once a month. Geez! Writing doesn't really improve if it's only done once a month.

So many little things keep me from doing this. My typing isn't really good...I'm too tired at the end of the day....nothing to say....etc. Still, it's a little like letter writing in the past. Only now, it's to whoever will stop to read it.

We finally have a manager in our department. She doesn't seem to have much experience managing and it seems like she is majorly overwhelmed. The department is actually a combination of many departments, so it is overwhelming. It's a huge undertaking. There is so much for her to learn, she says. I don't think she realized what it was going to entail when she applied for the position. I give her credit, though. I know I wouldn't want to do it.

Our business still seems slow at times. There are days when nobody is shopping. Period. Then, there are times when one wonders what on earth these people are doing in our store. They literally buy anything and everything. Amazing!

We have some good news in our extended family. My son-in-law's sister and her husband are adopting a daughter from Uganda. They have a son who is my eldest granddaughter's age. The girl they are adopting is 2 days older than my youngest granddaughter. We are all very excited and can't wait to meet her. Although not related by blood, we are all close and related in heart.

This does feel almost like a letter to a friend--hopefully friends are reading this. I will close by saying that's all for now. (See--just like a letter)