Since I really want to remember this I'm going to write it down.
Yesterday, I had an amazing occurance at work, of all places. I spent the first hour or hour and half consoling a new employee who was having a really rough day. She had returned from lunch when one of our rudest supervisors yelled at her for not helping a customer. She tried to explain that she had just gotten back from lunch and didn't see the customer. The supervisor said "No, you were just standing behind the register doing nothing." Jamie told her, again, that she had just gotten back and punched in from lunch. Of course, the supervisor went to our supervisor and complained about Jamie's "attitude". As I came in, I saw Jamie and a group of customers looking at some dishes. The customers had some questions, which Jamie answered. Since Jamie is new (her 1st day), she asked me for an opinion on the dishes. The customers apparently didn't believe her when she also explained (correctly, I might add) how the discount coupons work. They also insulted Jamie by asking her "when are you due?" Jamie isn't pregnant, so she told them she isn't They had the nerve to say "Are you sure? Maybe you should go to the doctor." I swear some people are really nervy. By the time we finished with the customers, our department manager came and asked to talk to her. He talked to her about her "attitude" She tried to explain what had happened with the other supervisor. Our supervisor asked if, maybe, the other supervisor wasn't doing what they refer to as "fast feedback" Jamie told him she didn't think so. She just thought the other supervisor was incredibly rude. I had to smile later because, as Jamie was taking care of another customer, the customer told our supervisor how much Jamie had helped her and that she was just wonderful. Honestly, that whole "fast feedback" garbage is just that--garbage. As Jamie was leaving for the day, she started to cry a little and said that she didn't think she would be coming back. She needs a job, but not bad enough to be treated the way she was.
Later, something really nice happened to me. I waited on a young man who needed help buying a gift for his friend's wedding. we found the items he wanted and he told me how much he appreciated my help. As I was ringing him up, his name came up on my register screen. This happens if you pay with a credit card. I noticed that he had the same last name as my late cousin. I politely asked him what his father's name was. It wasn't the first name of my counsin's husband, so I asked him if he had a relative by that name. He told me the man is his grandfather (Made me feel old, but--o.k.) I explained that his grandfather was once married to my cousin. He said, of course--she was his grandmother. It turns out, we are distant cousins. Imagine that, a total stranger who turns out to be my cousin. His aunt is my first cousin and, I told him that he should say hello to his Dad and Aunt for me. He said, "Wow--I need to give you a hug!" So, of course, we hugged and said keep and touch and all. Later, I was thinking how cool it was that I had just met my grandfather's great grandson! How cool is that?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Rainy Sunday
Well, at least this time it isn't the same old "been a long time" opening.
The rain continues. But, I always keep in mind "it isn't snowing."
This is my 3rd or 4th Sunday off in a row. I will definitely make up for it because, after Wednesday, I will work 7 days in a row. Then, I will have a day off, work a day and be off for 4 days. That is just how my rotation is working out--at least for this month. I also scheduled a day off because my youngest granddaughter will be graduating from kindergarten. I know---I'm a true grandmother. And, how crazy--a graduation ceremony? But, it makes the kids feel good. And how many chances do you get to feel really, really good?
We got another piece of good news about a week ago, too. My extended family is growing. Something I have been praying for for many months (almost a year, actually) will finally occur in about two weeks. The little girl that my daughter's sister and brother-in-law adopted from Uganda is finally coming home. Her name is Fiona. She is two days older than my youngest granddaughter Paige. We are VERY EXCITED! This has been a long journey, especially for her parents. It is truly God's Blessing that it is finally going to be over. I can't wait to meet her for the first time. I hope she will come to think of us as part of her family, too. We love her already. As far as I am concerned, blood ties are not the only thing that makes a family. Are we not all part of God's family? Yes--we are!
Well, on another note, I did get some things done today. Laundry--mostly put away. Another load in the washer ready to be dried. Chocolate ice cream done. Leftover hamburger to be made into sloppy joes for supper. Maybe some German potato salad along with it. And a salad, if the veggies in the fridge are still fresh. Sound good? Sure, it does. Just agree with me. Remember the correct answer is always--"Yes, dear". Okay, only for husbands and wives. But others should agree too. Just to make my day, right?
Hopefully, the weather will improve the rest of the week. And remember, it will be Summmertime eventually!
The rain continues. But, I always keep in mind "it isn't snowing."
This is my 3rd or 4th Sunday off in a row. I will definitely make up for it because, after Wednesday, I will work 7 days in a row. Then, I will have a day off, work a day and be off for 4 days. That is just how my rotation is working out--at least for this month. I also scheduled a day off because my youngest granddaughter will be graduating from kindergarten. I know---I'm a true grandmother. And, how crazy--a graduation ceremony? But, it makes the kids feel good. And how many chances do you get to feel really, really good?
We got another piece of good news about a week ago, too. My extended family is growing. Something I have been praying for for many months (almost a year, actually) will finally occur in about two weeks. The little girl that my daughter's sister and brother-in-law adopted from Uganda is finally coming home. Her name is Fiona. She is two days older than my youngest granddaughter Paige. We are VERY EXCITED! This has been a long journey, especially for her parents. It is truly God's Blessing that it is finally going to be over. I can't wait to meet her for the first time. I hope she will come to think of us as part of her family, too. We love her already. As far as I am concerned, blood ties are not the only thing that makes a family. Are we not all part of God's family? Yes--we are!
Well, on another note, I did get some things done today. Laundry--mostly put away. Another load in the washer ready to be dried. Chocolate ice cream done. Leftover hamburger to be made into sloppy joes for supper. Maybe some German potato salad along with it. And a salad, if the veggies in the fridge are still fresh. Sound good? Sure, it does. Just agree with me. Remember the correct answer is always--"Yes, dear". Okay, only for husbands and wives. But others should agree too. Just to make my day, right?
Hopefully, the weather will improve the rest of the week. And remember, it will be Summmertime eventually!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Naturally--been a long time

Well--why do I write the same thing when I start out. Been a long time since I last wrote, I know.
I suppose that since it is so easy to update on Facebook, this blog is just too much trouble to get to. But, I still feel like it is good for me to do. It helps clear the mind.
So--here's whats been happening. Made it through another Indiana winter--thank God! It seemed like it took forever, but then, it always does. Then, when it's over, it really doesn't seem to have at all. I still remember that it didn't snow in October and was really warm (I think) at some point just before the snow hit the fan (HA--you thought I was going to write something else, didn't you?). Then, of course, just like it always does, it snowed and snowed and snowed. We finally got it cleared away and then it just snowed again. The last time was at the beginning of Spring. When it started to snow, my Granddaughter Casi said, "I'm not shoveling"! I explained that it would probably be melted by the time she got home from school. Fortunately, I was right.
Now--in true Spring fashion--it just rains and rains and rains. We do have green grass, tho. And flowers and leaves on the trees. They blend in so nice with our puddles. We did have beautiful weather this past weekend and on Easter weekend. I actually mowed our lawn yesterday. Good thing, too, because it will probably rain the rest of the week.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I can't believe its been so long--again
Hey--just want to say, it's good to write. This is like writing a letter to my family, or best friend, or someone. I'm not a regular at this anymore, sad to say. I think it would be great if I was, but, something always gets in the way and then I decide it really isn't that important anymore.
Made it through the Christmas shopping season--again. Didn't think I would, but with the help of my co-workers (God Bless them--really!) I did. Then, the inevitable January of returns and inventory, etc. Every year I say never, never, NEVER, again and every year I do it. I don't know--my Mom was right, I guess. She always said what doesn't kill us makes us strong.
So now--I just want to make it through winter, which has been dragging on and on for us in the Midwest. Just like it does every year. How do we do it? I think its a combination of finding the humor when necessary, working through the anger we feel when it snows--again --and ruins any plans we may have had for the day (yes--I'm talking about now) and finding beauty in life anyway. I guess that's the "make lemonade" idea.
That and a lot of chocolate. And a little alcohol, possibly. Or hot tea. Or a hug. All of it works.
Made it through the Christmas shopping season--again. Didn't think I would, but with the help of my co-workers (God Bless them--really!) I did. Then, the inevitable January of returns and inventory, etc. Every year I say never, never, NEVER, again and every year I do it. I don't know--my Mom was right, I guess. She always said what doesn't kill us makes us strong.
So now--I just want to make it through winter, which has been dragging on and on for us in the Midwest. Just like it does every year. How do we do it? I think its a combination of finding the humor when necessary, working through the anger we feel when it snows--again --and ruins any plans we may have had for the day (yes--I'm talking about now) and finding beauty in life anyway. I guess that's the "make lemonade" idea.
That and a lot of chocolate. And a little alcohol, possibly. Or hot tea. Or a hug. All of it works.
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