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Monday, September 14, 2009

Shopping Thoughts, etc.

It's fairly early in the morning for some people, but for people like me it's mid-morning. My day starts at 6:15 a.m. when my alarm goes off. Sometimes I turn it off and return to bed to finish waking up. Other times, I may be wide awake way before it goes off, so I may decide to get up anyway, especially if it's fairly close to the time when it will go off anyway.

Today was a day when I didn't wake up before the alarm went off, so I find myself still a little sleepy even though I've been awake and active for at least 3 hours. So, this is just fair warning, just in case anyone reading this wonders "what is she going on about?" I'm really still trying to wake up completely.

Although, I did take a mile walk already and drink at cup of coffee. That's more than some people do first thing in the morning. I also, got my husband's coffee for him and my granddaughter off to school before walking.

On my way home from my walk, I stopped at my friend and co-worker's car to chat with her. She had a birthday party for her daughter this weekend that my granddaughters went to. She told me how funny my youngest granddaughter was and what fun all the kids had. That was nice--I'm glad they all had a good time. While we were talking, she told me how work was on Saturday and that I should be glad I missed it. This gets me to thinking about a few things I want to get off my chest, so bear with me while I vent about things that go on during a sale.

The first thing I would like to say is READ ALL SALE COUPONS COMPLETELY! This is for those customers who only read the large print and not the fine print. I realize the print is small, but, like all contracts, it should still be read. If there are exclusions on the front or the back of the coupon or if the coupon is only good during a certain time frame, you will be expected to know this, since these things are on the coupon. PAY ATTENTION! Although it is always assumed by shoppers that the customer is always right, that isn't always true. On the other hand--employees should also READ THE EXCLUSIONS. That way, employees don't give out discounts on things that are not supposed to be discounted.

Also, on major sale days, people have to wait in line. That is just a fact of life. If you are on a lunch break or have an appointment in fifteen minutes, don't shop. Period. We have other customers who also need things right now!! Also, don't expect people to just cater to your every whim, especially if we are already with another customer. I realize you would all love it if you had a personal shopper, but big sale days this just isn't possible. It's very rude to just barge in on another person's time with a sales associate. Especially if you have been told someone will be with you just as soon as possible.

Sometimes I wonder--am I the only person who can shop by themselves without having someone hold their hand and lead them through the store? I have been able to do this since I was 12 years old! Isn't there anyone else out there who is capable of this?

Also, I want to tell people--we do not have everything that Macy's carries in our store. Space-wise, this would be impossible. Especially in the department I work in. For many, many, many years you MUST order things like china, crystal and flatware. Even when I got married 29 years ago, all of our dishes had to be ordered--and they weren't china, they were porcelain. You can't go into a store the day before the wedding or bridal shower and expect to get these things right off of the shelf.

And--surprise--we do have problems with stock that isn't carried by our store at all. Since the advertising is not for only your local store, we may not have the picture item. This is just a fact of life--get over it. We also run out of things, especially if it is within the last few minutes of the sale. Trust me, those same items will be on sale during the next "big sale" again.

Last (but definitely not least) those coming into a store five minutes before closing with a big shopping list should be aware that when the store closes the lights go out and you CANNOT go out the employee entrance or the mall doors. Also--you are a MORON! If you didn't shop early--come back tomorrow.

That is all. Enough said.


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