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Thursday, June 4, 2009


Let me start by saying I am pretty sure my job is secure (for now). But I did have times when being unemployed seemed to be my way of life. I learned something from those times. The biggest thing I would say I learned is that the person I am and my life should NEVER NEVER be defined by what my work situation is. I may work as a salesperson right now, but that doesn't mean it's who I actually am. Jobs do not define who we are. They are JOBS. For the most part, they are temporary and it's not generally the end of the world if we don't have one. Believe it or not, they are replaceable. The "business" world is always changing. I always like to think of this as the "will this really matter in 20 years?" rule. Face it--no matter how much we like or dislike the work environment we are in, the situation we're in could change at any time. And, for the most part, the businesses we work in probably won't be around indefinitely.

This happened to a very close family member of mine yesterday. Without warning, she is no longer employed. I guess I'm writing this to her, and those in her shoes, to say don't sweat it. Life is your real job. The rest is just the stuff we have to put up with. The "yuck" , if you will.

The only thing I took from the jobs I've had are the friendships I gained and the lessons I learned. I learned what I am really good at. And, I learned what I'm really bad at. I also learned what I really don't want to work at again--EVER! (I could make a list, but that would be a boring read).

Chin up everyone! Remember, what doesn't kill us makes us strong.

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