Today is my youngest Granddaughter Paige's 4th birthday. Yesterday, the rest of the family got to celebrate it while I had to work :( Oh well, the pictures look so cute, I had to share some with everyone.
Today, she and sort of celebrated on our own. I made some cupcakes, she made the frosting and now we are cleaning up. In a few minutes, we will go get her older sister from school and probably have a couple of cupcakes. Then I will take them home and finish cleaning up and making dinner.
It seems like time just goes by so darn fast. I was telling Paige how she was in the hospital four years ago today. She said "Yep--I came out of my Mommy's tummy!" I told her I will show her some pictures later from that day. There is one of Steven holding her and saying "You want to come to Papa's house, don't you?" These days, she always wants to come to Papa and Nana's house, and so does her sister. Yesterday, I got a phone call from them at 8:30 a.m. asking is someone here could make them pancakes. Naturally, Steven got up when he heard the phone ring and, about a half hour later, they were all in the kitchen making pancakes.
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