I'm really not having a good week. On top of being busy with work, I've had 2 people die in my family. The first was last sunday. My aunt Sue just recently made it through emergency surgery only to die about a week and a half later (I think). Although I actually live closer, my sister, who lives in Indianapolis, actually called me with the news. I was very sad to learn that she had made it through and was getting ready to go through rehab, but then died. As I told her children, I will miss her, even though we didn't see each other often. When we did meet, she always made me laugh. Truly, she was one of the most honest people I knew. I didn't always agree with her, but it didn't matter. She was Aunt Sue. I still remember many times when she and my uncle Ed and their kids would come over. I always hurt from laughing. She always had such funny stories. Her funeral was the kind I would want. Laughter through tears. And her children, my cousins, are just as ornery as she was. We told stories and talked of things we would remember about our times together.
The second sudden passing was my Uncle Jim, husband of my Father's sister, Gazella. He really has been well in years and I haven't seen him for quite awhile. He and my aunt lived close to us for a few years. Once I married and moved away, though, I didn't see him at all. Still, I have fond memories of him. When I was a child, my Mother kept my curly hair short. I believe the hairstyle was called a pixie. My uncle always thought I looked more like a boy and called me 'George'. Anytime I would get a pixie haircut, he called my that. He was teasing, of course, and I knew that he knew I was really a girl. Once I was an adult, he and my aunt moved a couple of blocks away from us. They had a dog named Sugar. Sugar got his name because he loved candy. Uncle Jim would go for afternoon walks and sometimes stop for a visit, always bringing the dog with him. My father would give Sugar Starlight mints (those red and white peppermints).
I will miss both my aunt and uncle. I truly wish we had all spent more time together, but, of course, our lives became busy with other obligations. Just like my cousin Susie said on Sunday, maybe we'd see each other at the next major holiday, funeral, or wedding.
There are many other things that have happened with the last couple of days. I'm still waking up way too early and going to sleep either too early or too late. I blame this on the time change and the crazy hours at work. Americans need to get over the idea that they need to shop at such ridiculous hours. When I was younger, stores were only open one night a week until 9 p.m. Even at Christmastime. There wasn't a sale every week--heck there wasn't even a sale every month! I can recall so clearly the jingle for a store called Robertson's in downtown South Bend. They had what they called remnant days every six months. It went something like "save a third, save a fourth, save a half in every department on every floor." Now, it's every weekend during the regular season and almost every day during the Christmas season. And the shopping hours--along with the regular 24 hour stores, during the Christmas season, so many stores are open from early, early morning until 11 or 12 o'clock at night. I always wonder, don't people have something else to do? Where are their children while the parents are out shopping? If the kids come along, they are usually so tired they're screaming or crying. How ridiculous! I talked to one customer about how so many people shop during the day--one wonders how they are working if they have time and money to shop.
Another strange thing that is happening to me lately is that I seem to be missplacing things. A lot. They other day, I lost one of my debit cards. Naturally, I called the debit card company to report it lost. Now, I happen to have 2 separate debit cards with this company. When I spoke to the customer service representative, I told her that one of my cards was missing. She asked for the account number. Since the card is missing, I don't have a clue what the entire number is. I was able to tell her what card wasn't missing and asked if she could please transfer the funds from the missing cards to the account with the nonmissing card. Oh no, she couldn't do that, but she could cancel the missing account and issue a new card with a new account number. It would take about 7 days for me to get my new card. I told her I would need money sooner than 7 days. She couldn't transfer any of the funds to the card I wasn't missing, so no access to funds for 7 days. Irritating as that was, I told her to go ahead and issue a new card. The only problem was that she cancelled the wrong account, so when I attempted to use the card that wasn't lost, it was declined. I called the company back only to be informed that the original lost card wasn't cancelled, but that the nonmissing card was. I told them to please, please, cancel the other card too and send me new cards for both accounts. Apparently, both cards are on their way.
Now, to today's occurences. I went out to my car and found an "abandoned vehicle" on it. I wrote down the phone number, which turned out to be code inforcement. The only thing that was wrong is that I was driving on an expired license plate. I would have 10 days to get it renewed, which I assured the code enforcement officer I would do immediately (at least by Friday when I get paid). He said that would be fine and asked if I lived at the address listed. I told him I did. He said that it looked like we had painted one side of our garage and asked when we were going to get around to painting the other side. Code enforcement had notified us this past summer that we needed to bring the garage up to code, which included fixing the roof and painting. My husband and father-in-law and a friend of ours spent almost 2 months this summer making the necessary repairs and painting both the garage our house. A couple of weeks later, the code enforcement officer called and left a message on our answering machine to tell us what a nice job we had done on the house and the garage. When the officer (who, I swear sounded just like the same person that left the message on the answering machine this summer) asked me when we were going to finish painting the garage, I told him we had already finished it this summer, along with the house. He told me he will be by later to take a look. I swear, if he says it needs painting again, I'm going to go get the paint and the brush and tell him to have a whack at it. While he's at it, he can clean up the mess this time. I am so done with public officials.
Now--on to the next task of finding the driver's license I missplaced while getting my license plate renewed.
Naw--I better get some sleep first. This was just too long a day.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Early, Early, Early Morning
I can't believe how ridiculous my sleep habits are getting. I mean, just because I had to get up early yesterday doesn't mean I always have to get up, does it? Of course, I did actually get to bed early again (due to being exhausted from getting up so early) but why am I wide awake at 3:15 this morning, too. Granted, 24 hours ago I was actually driving to work. That's amazing to me! The fact that I am now sitting at my computer at 4 a.m. is crazy. However, I will probably not even stay up thru tonight's football game. It doesn't even start until around 8:30, I think, so I will probably be asleep again by that time.
The crowds were crazy yesterday, but it actually seemed more manangeable than in the past. We had employees who were just bagging yesterday--a great idea! If we can keep this up, this year should be fairly calm. We really only had one rude customer yesterday. This was because another clerk (oops--I mean sales associate) bent the rules a bit and gave a discount that they shouldn't have. Naturally, the customer demanded the same from my co-worker who was then deemed rude because she simply pointed out that a mistake was made by the other associate. Really, people--YOU NEED TO LEARN TO READ YOUR DAMN COUPONS! Seriously, the first person who acts like that customer did will be told no. I'm really sick of the "customer is always right" attitude. If you are always right, you must be a robot.
But--that was, as I said, only one customer. Out of all the people we took care of yesterday--only 1! The day was really, really, fun and the customers were absolutely terrific! Also, my co-workers rock! I think that they all deserve some kind of award for doing this each and every year. Mostly for having a sense of humor and fun. If any of them are going to read this--(and some will), I want you all to know you made my day by just being you! We laughed much, much more than we cried. Even if some of us were still sleepy by the end of the day. Maybe we should fire up one of the coffeemakers. Hmmm--that's a thought.
The crowds were crazy yesterday, but it actually seemed more manangeable than in the past. We had employees who were just bagging yesterday--a great idea! If we can keep this up, this year should be fairly calm. We really only had one rude customer yesterday. This was because another clerk (oops--I mean sales associate) bent the rules a bit and gave a discount that they shouldn't have. Naturally, the customer demanded the same from my co-worker who was then deemed rude because she simply pointed out that a mistake was made by the other associate. Really, people--YOU NEED TO LEARN TO READ YOUR DAMN COUPONS! Seriously, the first person who acts like that customer did will be told no. I'm really sick of the "customer is always right" attitude. If you are always right, you must be a robot.
But--that was, as I said, only one customer. Out of all the people we took care of yesterday--only 1! The day was really, really, fun and the customers were absolutely terrific! Also, my co-workers rock! I think that they all deserve some kind of award for doing this each and every year. Mostly for having a sense of humor and fun. If any of them are going to read this--(and some will), I want you all to know you made my day by just being you! We laughed much, much more than we cried. Even if some of us were still sleepy by the end of the day. Maybe we should fire up one of the coffeemakers. Hmmm--that's a thought.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Crazy (not too, crazy) Random Thoughts
S0, I'm sitting at my computer wondering why on earth I am wide awake at such a ridiculous hour (5:00 a.m) when it occurs to me that maybe I would like to make a new stuffing recipe for Thanksgiving. I am roasting the bird this year. I love to roast the turkey--that's actually the easiest part. The other day, my husband and I were talking and I decided to make the stuffing separately from the bird. Today, I remembered (at 5 a.m., no less) that I'd seen a recipe for crockpot stuffing somewhere. An internet search turned up all kinds of recipes, none of them for a crockpot cooking method. Then, I remembered where I saw the recipe. It was from Suzanne Beecher. Suzanne is an extremely talented writer from Sarasota FL. She supplies my daily bookclub e-mails. I hope I am right and that she is the one who put the recipe in her daily column for us faithful bookclub readers. I have sent her an e-mail thru Facebook requesting her recipe.
Now what is my problem, you may ask. I really don't have much of one except to find a little fault with search engine results. I clearly typed in 'crockpot stuffing recipe'. What came up led me to a myriad of crockpot recipes and stuffing recipes--none of which combined the two. One search actually led me from crockpot stuffing recipe results to just crockpot recipes. I finally decided to e-mail Suzanne and ask for her recipe.
Once I did this, I decided to give it one last try (just in case Suzanne didn't actually have a recipe after all). Naturally, a recipe finally appeared. Now, I will probably end up with a zillion recipes for the same dish! This kind of ridiculous stuff always happens to me!
On to something else.
I know I will probably be going against the grain for saying this. Why on earth do the stores insist on doing the same stupid things holiday season after holiday season? Naturally, I'm going to be a bit biased since I work retail, so bear with me. I realize all you shoppers love the Black Friday early morning thing. However, it is possible to shop regular store hours and get good deals. Keep in mind that the things on sale will probably not be that great a deal because they will probably be gone within the first twenty minutes to half an hour after the store opens. Also, we only receive a certain amount of items per store. We have NO CONTROL WHATSOEVER over how many we get or if we get any. DO NOT scream at me because we are out of the item you absolutely must have!!! Trust me, some other stores probably have the same thing at the same price. Also, these same items have probably been on sale all month long!
Remember one other thing, please, --READ THE ADS AND COUPONS CAREFULLY!! There are many, many exclusions depending on the brand. I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER WHAT IS EXCLUDED. I also could care less about what other stores do. Trust me. All I want to do is help you get your stuff and get out of my store in a timely manner.
I would also like to thank in advance all the customers who are funny, have a heartwarming story, are so, so, so patient (God Bless you!) and genuinely great to take care of. There will be many, I know. My co-workers and I love you!
Now, one other thing. I think it would be a great idea for stores to have evening specials also. This would be for people who must work the day after Thanksgiving (yes, there are some) and can't be at a store at 3, 4, or 5 in the morning. The store doesn't necessarily have to stay open late, just have specials from 6 until 10, or something. That way, people would still have a chance to shop, just not at such a ridiculous hour. The one thing customers complain about most is missing the early morning specials because they have to go to work to pay for all their Christmas presents.
That's all. At least for now.
Now what is my problem, you may ask. I really don't have much of one except to find a little fault with search engine results. I clearly typed in 'crockpot stuffing recipe'. What came up led me to a myriad of crockpot recipes and stuffing recipes--none of which combined the two. One search actually led me from crockpot stuffing recipe results to just crockpot recipes. I finally decided to e-mail Suzanne and ask for her recipe.
Once I did this, I decided to give it one last try (just in case Suzanne didn't actually have a recipe after all). Naturally, a recipe finally appeared. Now, I will probably end up with a zillion recipes for the same dish! This kind of ridiculous stuff always happens to me!
On to something else.
I know I will probably be going against the grain for saying this. Why on earth do the stores insist on doing the same stupid things holiday season after holiday season? Naturally, I'm going to be a bit biased since I work retail, so bear with me. I realize all you shoppers love the Black Friday early morning thing. However, it is possible to shop regular store hours and get good deals. Keep in mind that the things on sale will probably not be that great a deal because they will probably be gone within the first twenty minutes to half an hour after the store opens. Also, we only receive a certain amount of items per store. We have NO CONTROL WHATSOEVER over how many we get or if we get any. DO NOT scream at me because we are out of the item you absolutely must have!!! Trust me, some other stores probably have the same thing at the same price. Also, these same items have probably been on sale all month long!
Remember one other thing, please, --READ THE ADS AND COUPONS CAREFULLY!! There are many, many exclusions depending on the brand. I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER WHAT IS EXCLUDED. I also could care less about what other stores do. Trust me. All I want to do is help you get your stuff and get out of my store in a timely manner.
I would also like to thank in advance all the customers who are funny, have a heartwarming story, are so, so, so patient (God Bless you!) and genuinely great to take care of. There will be many, I know. My co-workers and I love you!
Now, one other thing. I think it would be a great idea for stores to have evening specials also. This would be for people who must work the day after Thanksgiving (yes, there are some) and can't be at a store at 3, 4, or 5 in the morning. The store doesn't necessarily have to stay open late, just have specials from 6 until 10, or something. That way, people would still have a chance to shop, just not at such a ridiculous hour. The one thing customers complain about most is missing the early morning specials because they have to go to work to pay for all their Christmas presents.
That's all. At least for now.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Great Fall Day
Well, this is probably the last nice weekend we will get for awhile, weather-wise. I got so much accomplished this afternoon, mainly the leaves from our huge oak tree in the back yard. Thank goodness for leaf blowers. What I wasn't able to blow, I vacuumed up, since my leaf blower is both a blower and vacuum. This sure beats raking. Granted, not each and every leaf was picked up, but what was left isn't much.
I had a wonderful breakfast with my girls this morning. We went to IHOP where, naturally, I ate way too much. Why is it that breakfast, no matter what you eat, is always better in a restaurant? I mean, I can make my own pancakes, eggs, bacon, and potatoes. Somehow, it always seems better if someone else makes it. Plus, my kids and grandkids were there, for, I swear, entertainment. They had me laughing till it hurt.
Well, I'd better stop all this for now. I really need to go downstairs and get the clean clothes up from the basement. I know that this time next week, I'll probably still be doing catch-up laundry. O.K.--maybe after work next week.
I had a wonderful breakfast with my girls this morning. We went to IHOP where, naturally, I ate way too much. Why is it that breakfast, no matter what you eat, is always better in a restaurant? I mean, I can make my own pancakes, eggs, bacon, and potatoes. Somehow, it always seems better if someone else makes it. Plus, my kids and grandkids were there, for, I swear, entertainment. They had me laughing till it hurt.
Well, I'd better stop all this for now. I really need to go downstairs and get the clean clothes up from the basement. I know that this time next week, I'll probably still be doing catch-up laundry. O.K.--maybe after work next week.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Last Day of This Year's Vacation Thoughts
This is my last final day of vacation for this year. However, I should note that next year's vacation is probably a mere 6 months away. We are able to put in for vacation at Macy's beginning the first part of the year. I always take one of the last weeks of April off so my granddaughter and I can go to the Blue and Gold Game at Notre Dame. We also walk in the March of Dimes Walk for Babies at that time. Plus, the weather is usually good. It's a great time to take a vacation, providing you like football and walking.
This year, I'm going to try to plan to vacation in August and September, I think. Of course, I also have to plan to take one weekend off in October (I think) because that's usually the time when I go to my only actual ND football game. So, that's pretty much what my entire vacation time is planned around--so far. I got to thinking this year that I'd like to plan a vacation around something other than football. Sooo--this year's vacation will be planned around next year's birthdays--hopefully. I'd really love to take the weekend off when my oldest granddaughter has her birthday, but, I'm never sure when my daughter will be having her actual party. This year, I missed the entire thing due to work.
Work definitely gets in the way of life. It's intruding more and more, it seems. This year, instead of hiring a sufficient amount of people to staff our store during the holiday season, they have asked us to sign up for extra hours during the two weeks before Christmas. The worst possible time, of course. They are paying extra, so I was really tempted. The only thought I had was that this would severely curtail any extra shopping and preparation time I have. (Not that I actually have any, of course) Plus, the only thing I want to do is leave immediately from work when my shift ends. Putting in extra time seems like a good idea now. However, I'm sure that when the time comes, I'm sure I'd be thinking 'why, why, why did I say I'd stay extra?'
Needless to say, I decided not to commit to any extra hours. Plus, I did say I might be willing to stay extra on the spur of the moment if I am needed.
I also can't help thinking that they really should just go ahead and hire the extra people. True, we do have to train them and put up with babysitting them, but, we may also end up with some pretty terrific employees. This has been the case in the past couple of years. I can think of at least 2 people who really worked out for us. These employees stayed on after Christmas and have proven to be an asset to our company.
Also, our company seems to pride itself on helping out in the community, what with various plans to donate to charities. What better way to help out the community than to put people to work. That way, instead of having to go to the food pantry for groceries, they could actually earn money to buy the groceries. I'm just giving my opinion here, but wouldn't most people rather work than not work? Why not offer them work? Makes more sense to me.
Geez--I've really gotten off my original subject. Sorry.
This year, I'm going to try to plan to vacation in August and September, I think. Of course, I also have to plan to take one weekend off in October (I think) because that's usually the time when I go to my only actual ND football game. So, that's pretty much what my entire vacation time is planned around--so far. I got to thinking this year that I'd like to plan a vacation around something other than football. Sooo--this year's vacation will be planned around next year's birthdays--hopefully. I'd really love to take the weekend off when my oldest granddaughter has her birthday, but, I'm never sure when my daughter will be having her actual party. This year, I missed the entire thing due to work.
Work definitely gets in the way of life. It's intruding more and more, it seems. This year, instead of hiring a sufficient amount of people to staff our store during the holiday season, they have asked us to sign up for extra hours during the two weeks before Christmas. The worst possible time, of course. They are paying extra, so I was really tempted. The only thought I had was that this would severely curtail any extra shopping and preparation time I have. (Not that I actually have any, of course) Plus, the only thing I want to do is leave immediately from work when my shift ends. Putting in extra time seems like a good idea now. However, I'm sure that when the time comes, I'm sure I'd be thinking 'why, why, why did I say I'd stay extra?'
Needless to say, I decided not to commit to any extra hours. Plus, I did say I might be willing to stay extra on the spur of the moment if I am needed.
I also can't help thinking that they really should just go ahead and hire the extra people. True, we do have to train them and put up with babysitting them, but, we may also end up with some pretty terrific employees. This has been the case in the past couple of years. I can think of at least 2 people who really worked out for us. These employees stayed on after Christmas and have proven to be an asset to our company.
Also, our company seems to pride itself on helping out in the community, what with various plans to donate to charities. What better way to help out the community than to put people to work. That way, instead of having to go to the food pantry for groceries, they could actually earn money to buy the groceries. I'm just giving my opinion here, but wouldn't most people rather work than not work? Why not offer them work? Makes more sense to me.
Geez--I've really gotten off my original subject. Sorry.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Shopping Thoughts, etc.
It's fairly early in the morning for some people, but for people like me it's mid-morning. My day starts at 6:15 a.m. when my alarm goes off. Sometimes I turn it off and return to bed to finish waking up. Other times, I may be wide awake way before it goes off, so I may decide to get up anyway, especially if it's fairly close to the time when it will go off anyway.
Today was a day when I didn't wake up before the alarm went off, so I find myself still a little sleepy even though I've been awake and active for at least 3 hours. So, this is just fair warning, just in case anyone reading this wonders "what is she going on about?" I'm really still trying to wake up completely.
Although, I did take a mile walk already and drink at cup of coffee. That's more than some people do first thing in the morning. I also, got my husband's coffee for him and my granddaughter off to school before walking.
On my way home from my walk, I stopped at my friend and co-worker's car to chat with her. She had a birthday party for her daughter this weekend that my granddaughters went to. She told me how funny my youngest granddaughter was and what fun all the kids had. That was nice--I'm glad they all had a good time. While we were talking, she told me how work was on Saturday and that I should be glad I missed it. This gets me to thinking about a few things I want to get off my chest, so bear with me while I vent about things that go on during a sale.
The first thing I would like to say is READ ALL SALE COUPONS COMPLETELY! This is for those customers who only read the large print and not the fine print. I realize the print is small, but, like all contracts, it should still be read. If there are exclusions on the front or the back of the coupon or if the coupon is only good during a certain time frame, you will be expected to know this, since these things are on the coupon. PAY ATTENTION! Although it is always assumed by shoppers that the customer is always right, that isn't always true. On the other hand--employees should also READ THE EXCLUSIONS. That way, employees don't give out discounts on things that are not supposed to be discounted.
Also, on major sale days, people have to wait in line. That is just a fact of life. If you are on a lunch break or have an appointment in fifteen minutes, don't shop. Period. We have other customers who also need things right now!! Also, don't expect people to just cater to your every whim, especially if we are already with another customer. I realize you would all love it if you had a personal shopper, but big sale days this just isn't possible. It's very rude to just barge in on another person's time with a sales associate. Especially if you have been told someone will be with you just as soon as possible.
Sometimes I wonder--am I the only person who can shop by themselves without having someone hold their hand and lead them through the store? I have been able to do this since I was 12 years old! Isn't there anyone else out there who is capable of this?
Also, I want to tell people--we do not have everything that Macy's carries in our store. Space-wise, this would be impossible. Especially in the department I work in. For many, many, many years you MUST order things like china, crystal and flatware. Even when I got married 29 years ago, all of our dishes had to be ordered--and they weren't china, they were porcelain. You can't go into a store the day before the wedding or bridal shower and expect to get these things right off of the shelf.
And--surprise--we do have problems with stock that isn't carried by our store at all. Since the advertising is not for only your local store, we may not have the picture item. This is just a fact of life--get over it. We also run out of things, especially if it is within the last few minutes of the sale. Trust me, those same items will be on sale during the next "big sale" again.
Last (but definitely not least) those coming into a store five minutes before closing with a big shopping list should be aware that when the store closes the lights go out and you CANNOT go out the employee entrance or the mall doors. Also--you are a MORON! If you didn't shop early--come back tomorrow.
That is all. Enough said.
Today was a day when I didn't wake up before the alarm went off, so I find myself still a little sleepy even though I've been awake and active for at least 3 hours. So, this is just fair warning, just in case anyone reading this wonders "what is she going on about?" I'm really still trying to wake up completely.
Although, I did take a mile walk already and drink at cup of coffee. That's more than some people do first thing in the morning. I also, got my husband's coffee for him and my granddaughter off to school before walking.
On my way home from my walk, I stopped at my friend and co-worker's car to chat with her. She had a birthday party for her daughter this weekend that my granddaughters went to. She told me how funny my youngest granddaughter was and what fun all the kids had. That was nice--I'm glad they all had a good time. While we were talking, she told me how work was on Saturday and that I should be glad I missed it. This gets me to thinking about a few things I want to get off my chest, so bear with me while I vent about things that go on during a sale.
The first thing I would like to say is READ ALL SALE COUPONS COMPLETELY! This is for those customers who only read the large print and not the fine print. I realize the print is small, but, like all contracts, it should still be read. If there are exclusions on the front or the back of the coupon or if the coupon is only good during a certain time frame, you will be expected to know this, since these things are on the coupon. PAY ATTENTION! Although it is always assumed by shoppers that the customer is always right, that isn't always true. On the other hand--employees should also READ THE EXCLUSIONS. That way, employees don't give out discounts on things that are not supposed to be discounted.
Also, on major sale days, people have to wait in line. That is just a fact of life. If you are on a lunch break or have an appointment in fifteen minutes, don't shop. Period. We have other customers who also need things right now!! Also, don't expect people to just cater to your every whim, especially if we are already with another customer. I realize you would all love it if you had a personal shopper, but big sale days this just isn't possible. It's very rude to just barge in on another person's time with a sales associate. Especially if you have been told someone will be with you just as soon as possible.
Sometimes I wonder--am I the only person who can shop by themselves without having someone hold their hand and lead them through the store? I have been able to do this since I was 12 years old! Isn't there anyone else out there who is capable of this?
Also, I want to tell people--we do not have everything that Macy's carries in our store. Space-wise, this would be impossible. Especially in the department I work in. For many, many, many years you MUST order things like china, crystal and flatware. Even when I got married 29 years ago, all of our dishes had to be ordered--and they weren't china, they were porcelain. You can't go into a store the day before the wedding or bridal shower and expect to get these things right off of the shelf.
And--surprise--we do have problems with stock that isn't carried by our store at all. Since the advertising is not for only your local store, we may not have the picture item. This is just a fact of life--get over it. We also run out of things, especially if it is within the last few minutes of the sale. Trust me, those same items will be on sale during the next "big sale" again.
Last (but definitely not least) those coming into a store five minutes before closing with a big shopping list should be aware that when the store closes the lights go out and you CANNOT go out the employee entrance or the mall doors. Also--you are a MORON! If you didn't shop early--come back tomorrow.
That is all. Enough said.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My Own Weight Loss Story
So, after being encouraged by both of my daughters and their own weight loss stories, I decided to join them (sort of) in their activities. Whenever I can, usually a couple of times a week, I join them in their walk. If we don't walk together, though, I still walk almost every day. During the week, I have been walking on my own at least a mile a day. I started sometime in July. My usual morning activity has now been given a walking partner for a couple of blocks. I walk my granddaughter to school (Indiana weather permitting) and continue at least 4 more blocks. Then, I usually turn and head back home, making sure I can pass my granddaughter on her post where she is a crossing patrol before school. I usually can get an extra hug from her and her friends before heading furthur down a couple of blocks past my house. Then, I turn around and head for home. My goal is to walk at 3.1 miles once a week.
I also walk after lunch. On the days when I work, I walk indoors around the perimeter of University Park Mall. That way, I can also window shop while I walk. This satisfies (sometimes) my shopping gene. Of course, I can also stop for lunch if I want. If I do this, lunch is usually soup from Barnes and Noble or the kiddie portion from Panda Express. I can even eat the hotdog kiddie lunch from Dairy Queen (which includes a kiddie portion of ice cream).
Of course, if I'm really lucky, my activity is increased at work because I am on my feet all day at Macy's. This usually happens during a sale day when "weight lifting" is part of my routine. For example, yesterday I loaded a 45-piece set of china on a dolly and took it down to customer pick-up. This, of course, was not conducive to a happy lower back (insert groaning noises here), but I was able to do it. On top of all the other package pick-ups I did, I got a pretty good workout.
I must say, all of this activity has definitely paid off. Although I don't really follow a diet, I do try to watch what I eat (don't want to miss the mouth) and I must admit I drink A LOT of water. The water helps because (of course) we finally have Summer this week. I have lost a total of 14 pounds as of yesterdays weigh in. I celebrated w/ a lot of ice cream and a weight watcher's pizza topped off w/ a wine cooler.
This means I will definitely go back to regular portions and a lot of physical activity today, even though I am not working. It's ND Football day and I am going to enjoy watching my first TV game today.
I also walk after lunch. On the days when I work, I walk indoors around the perimeter of University Park Mall. That way, I can also window shop while I walk. This satisfies (sometimes) my shopping gene. Of course, I can also stop for lunch if I want. If I do this, lunch is usually soup from Barnes and Noble or the kiddie portion from Panda Express. I can even eat the hotdog kiddie lunch from Dairy Queen (which includes a kiddie portion of ice cream).
Of course, if I'm really lucky, my activity is increased at work because I am on my feet all day at Macy's. This usually happens during a sale day when "weight lifting" is part of my routine. For example, yesterday I loaded a 45-piece set of china on a dolly and took it down to customer pick-up. This, of course, was not conducive to a happy lower back (insert groaning noises here), but I was able to do it. On top of all the other package pick-ups I did, I got a pretty good workout.
I must say, all of this activity has definitely paid off. Although I don't really follow a diet, I do try to watch what I eat (don't want to miss the mouth) and I must admit I drink A LOT of water. The water helps because (of course) we finally have Summer this week. I have lost a total of 14 pounds as of yesterdays weigh in. I celebrated w/ a lot of ice cream and a weight watcher's pizza topped off w/ a wine cooler.
This means I will definitely go back to regular portions and a lot of physical activity today, even though I am not working. It's ND Football day and I am going to enjoy watching my first TV game today.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Surprising chocolate cake recipe
Today I'm baking a Green Tomato Chocolate cake for my co-workers. We were talking about it the other day and I got to thinking about it--which of course made me really hungry for it. Since I'm trying to watch what I'm eating, I decided to make one to take to work. That way, I can let others enjoy it while (hopefully) NOT EATING MOST OF IT MYSELF. There--I said it! So--I'm telling those of you at work who follow me--please, please, please eat!
I'm still walking--although not outside today. Hopefully, it will continue to help me weightwise. Also, I'm eating a lot less than I was. A small meal will fill me up now, instead of cleaning my plate. Although, I may slip today, what with cake and all. I know, I know, just walk more and faster.
On the weekends, I really don't pay too much attention to what I eat, though. Usually, that's when it's just too hard not to party.
Well, there's the timer. Now to check the cake to see if it is cool enough to frost yet. Here's the recipe for those who might be interested.
Green Tomato Chocolate Cake
2/3 C. butter
1 ¾ C. sugar
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate,
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla extract
½ C. cocoa
2 ½ C. sifted all-purpose unbleached flour or
1 ½ C. sifted all-purpose unbleached flour and 1 C. whole wheat flour
2 t. baking powder
2 t. baking soda
¼ t. salt
1 C. beer
1 C. pureed green tomatoes
¼--1/2 C. water (optional)
Preheat the oven to 350° F.
Cream together the butter and sugar. Stir in the melted chocolate, then the eggs, one at a time. Add the vanilla.
In another bowl, sift together the cocoa, flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture alternately with the beer and the green tomatoes. If the batter appears stiff, add the water. Turn the batter into a greased and floured 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Bake for 35 minutes. Ice when cooled.
Peanut Butter Frosting
1 lb. or 4 C. powdered sugar
½ C. peanut butter
2 T. butter
6 T. warm milk (may need a little more or less)
Mix all until smooth. You may also use more peanut butter if desired.
I'm still walking--although not outside today. Hopefully, it will continue to help me weightwise. Also, I'm eating a lot less than I was. A small meal will fill me up now, instead of cleaning my plate. Although, I may slip today, what with cake and all. I know, I know, just walk more and faster.
On the weekends, I really don't pay too much attention to what I eat, though. Usually, that's when it's just too hard not to party.
Well, there's the timer. Now to check the cake to see if it is cool enough to frost yet. Here's the recipe for those who might be interested.
Green Tomato Chocolate Cake
2/3 C. butter
1 ¾ C. sugar
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate,
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla extract
½ C. cocoa
2 ½ C. sifted all-purpose unbleached flour or
1 ½ C. sifted all-purpose unbleached flour and 1 C. whole wheat flour
2 t. baking powder
2 t. baking soda
¼ t. salt
1 C. beer
1 C. pureed green tomatoes
¼--1/2 C. water (optional)
Preheat the oven to 350° F.
Cream together the butter and sugar. Stir in the melted chocolate, then the eggs, one at a time. Add the vanilla.
In another bowl, sift together the cocoa, flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture alternately with the beer and the green tomatoes. If the batter appears stiff, add the water. Turn the batter into a greased and floured 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Bake for 35 minutes. Ice when cooled.
Peanut Butter Frosting
1 lb. or 4 C. powdered sugar
½ C. peanut butter
2 T. butter
6 T. warm milk (may need a little more or less)
Mix all until smooth. You may also use more peanut butter if desired.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Summer Days

Yesterday, my family and I finally got to go to the beach here in Northern Indiana. The temperature is finally perfect. Normally, we would have been several times by now, but the temps have only been in the 70s during the day and the 50s at night, so the water really wouldn't have been warm enough to swim in. Too bad the summer is over for the the school kids. Tomorrow is the first day of school, so today is the last day the local pools will be open. I never even made it to the local pool this summer.
The kids here go back way too early, in my opinion. When I was in school we were always out of school after the first week in June--usually the 5th or 6th--and didn't go back until the day after Labor Day. That way, everybody could vacation up until the last weekend of August. This all changed sometime in the 1990s, or so. Why, why, why did they change it? It has to be because of money. The middle of August is just too early. It is sometimes hot (which would be perfect for swimming) when school starts and too cool when school ends.
Anyway--we did have a great weekend. I'm posting some new pics of my granddaughters to go with this.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Me, Walking for Exercise?
I can't believe I'm actually loving my new exercise routine. About a month or so ago, I started walking w/my daughters. They started it--they walked the 5k for Summerfest in Mishawaka. Before that, they practiced. After the 5k, I started walking with them. I had forgotten how much I liked it. Once a year, I walk the March of Dimes walk for babies with my Macy's co-workers. I usually practice for a couple of weeks before the walk, just to get in shape (and so I don't collapse, of course.)
Okay--so I started walking with my kids a couple of weeks before another 5k walk. We ended up walking it on August 1st (along with some other friends). Our time was pretty great--we finished in about 58 minutes. Whenever possible, my girls and I walk in the evening, after the sun goes down. It's much cooler and we can take our time.
Whenever I can't join my kids, I decided to walk alone in the mornings when it is still cool enought that I will probably not die. Usually, I walk about 1 1/2 to 2 miles. Last Friday, I decided to walk the 5k substitute route that my youngest daughter mapped out in my neighborhood. I was pretty good--I thought--until this morning. Last Friday, I made it in about the same time as our timed 5k. This morning, I did it in 48 minutes. I cannot believe it!
If I don't die--I'll probably go to work this afternoon. Hopefully, I'll make it until 10 tonight and won't collapse until I get home around 10:30.
Okay--so I started walking with my kids a couple of weeks before another 5k walk. We ended up walking it on August 1st (along with some other friends). Our time was pretty great--we finished in about 58 minutes. Whenever possible, my girls and I walk in the evening, after the sun goes down. It's much cooler and we can take our time.
Whenever I can't join my kids, I decided to walk alone in the mornings when it is still cool enought that I will probably not die. Usually, I walk about 1 1/2 to 2 miles. Last Friday, I decided to walk the 5k substitute route that my youngest daughter mapped out in my neighborhood. I was pretty good--I thought--until this morning. Last Friday, I made it in about the same time as our timed 5k. This morning, I did it in 48 minutes. I cannot believe it!
If I don't die--I'll probably go to work this afternoon. Hopefully, I'll make it until 10 tonight and won't collapse until I get home around 10:30.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Since I mentioned that I am Hungarian (though not actually from Hungary--born right here in the US) I am including a recipe for goulash in my writings today. Goulash is sometimes thought of as basically chili w/macaroni in it by most Americans. Not so! It's more like beef stew, but more like a soup. The recipe I'm giving is one my Mom made regularly.
Hungarian Goulash Soup
3 lb. Beef shank, cut into bite-sized cubes
3 large onions
¼ C. oil
3 T. sweet Hungarian paprika do not substitute!
¼ t. cayenne pepper
3 t. salt
1 large clove garlic, minced
1 medium green pepper, chopped fine
1 tomato, peeled, seeded and chopped or ½ C. tomato sauce
2 qt. hot water
6 medium potatoes, cubed
Sauté onions, garlic, green peppers and tomatoes in oil until onions are limp. Add meat and seasonings and cook on medium heat until meat is no longer red. Pour on hot water, cover, and simmer about 2 hours. Add potatoes and cook 20 minutes more. Adjust seasonings. Serves 6 to 8.
Of course, you can double or halve it, depending on how many people you are serving. Also, I sometimes slice up a couple of carrots and add them, depending on how I'm feeling that day.
It's good to serve with a slice of homemade white or rye bread, but especially nice with a Hungarian deep fried bread called langalo.
The only reason I'm even writing about this is because I'm going to cook a completely all Hungarian dinner for my daughter's in-laws in a couple of weeks and I'm still thinking about the menu and what to include. Her mother-in-law wants to learn how to make goulash, so we have decided to do an all Hungarian dinner in the near future.
I'll probably be asking myself if I've lost my mind while I'm cooking. Cooking for a crowd with a deadline seems to always bring out the worst in me. Oh well, it'll probably be worth it just for the goulash!
Hungarian Goulash Soup
3 lb. Beef shank, cut into bite-sized cubes
3 large onions
¼ C. oil
3 T. sweet Hungarian paprika do not substitute!
¼ t. cayenne pepper
3 t. salt
1 large clove garlic, minced
1 medium green pepper, chopped fine
1 tomato, peeled, seeded and chopped or ½ C. tomato sauce
2 qt. hot water
6 medium potatoes, cubed
Sauté onions, garlic, green peppers and tomatoes in oil until onions are limp. Add meat and seasonings and cook on medium heat until meat is no longer red. Pour on hot water, cover, and simmer about 2 hours. Add potatoes and cook 20 minutes more. Adjust seasonings. Serves 6 to 8.
Of course, you can double or halve it, depending on how many people you are serving. Also, I sometimes slice up a couple of carrots and add them, depending on how I'm feeling that day.
It's good to serve with a slice of homemade white or rye bread, but especially nice with a Hungarian deep fried bread called langalo.
The only reason I'm even writing about this is because I'm going to cook a completely all Hungarian dinner for my daughter's in-laws in a couple of weeks and I'm still thinking about the menu and what to include. Her mother-in-law wants to learn how to make goulash, so we have decided to do an all Hungarian dinner in the near future.
I'll probably be asking myself if I've lost my mind while I'm cooking. Cooking for a crowd with a deadline seems to always bring out the worst in me. Oh well, it'll probably be worth it just for the goulash!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Just Playing Before Work
I did something I haven't done for a long time today. I made a trip to our local Farmer's Market. Although I really wanted to buy some homemade square shaped noodles for a specific Hungarian (I am Hungarian) dish, my plans to actually make the dish will have to wait until a time when the man who makes them is at the market to sell them. :( . Bummer! This really stinks because I wasn't only buying them for myself, but to send to my sister this weekend. I thought that, since my oldest daughter is going to Indianapolis to visit her, I would send some to her. As far as I know, they aren't available in Indy. She likes to make the cabbage and noodle dish, too. Also, my older Sister, Carol, will be visiting her, so I was going to buy some for her to take home to Florida with her. Oh well, maybe some other time.
Since I couldn't buy the noodles, I decided to see what I could get for myself. I found some beads to make bracelets with. Then, I also found a sugar free brownie for my lunch today. Then, I decided to eat breakfast at the restaurant there. Although the wait was a little long due to a mix-up in the kitchen, the food was definitely worth it. YUM! I still have some left, so I'm probably going to eat it for lunch or dinner today. Going back on Saturday morning really early is a definite possibility.
If not, I will go back sometime next week.
Since I couldn't buy the noodles, I decided to see what I could get for myself. I found some beads to make bracelets with. Then, I also found a sugar free brownie for my lunch today. Then, I decided to eat breakfast at the restaurant there. Although the wait was a little long due to a mix-up in the kitchen, the food was definitely worth it. YUM! I still have some left, so I'm probably going to eat it for lunch or dinner today. Going back on Saturday morning really early is a definite possibility.
If not, I will go back sometime next week.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sorry it's been sooo long between posts. There really isn't much going on here other than work and time off. This week-end I worked the 4th until 6:00 p.m. Then, I went to my daughter's for some food and fireworks. It rained, so the fireworks weren't much, but the company was the best, of course. The fireworks we had were pretty and a splendid time was had by all.
My kids made absolutely delicious treats. I loved the "cheesecake" my oldest daughter made. Fat free, sugar free and s000 goood! The cake my youngest daughter made was also yummy! Not so healthy, but yumm! Also, the cheese cake brownies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
Alas, they all had to make do with pre-made chex mix from me, since I worked all day. Next year--I promise--something homemade!
My kids made absolutely delicious treats. I loved the "cheesecake" my oldest daughter made. Fat free, sugar free and s000 goood! The cake my youngest daughter made was also yummy! Not so healthy, but yumm! Also, the cheese cake brownies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
Alas, they all had to make do with pre-made chex mix from me, since I worked all day. Next year--I promise--something homemade!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Vacation Time Again
TGIW! Time for my second vacation. This time, I planned it around Mishawaka's annual Summerfest celebration. In the past, I always wanted to go to the entire event, but always managed to have to work one of the nights and at least one of the days. Summerfest is only 2 days long, starting on Friday and ending Saturday night. There are carnival rides and things to do for kids, crafts, food vendors, fireworks and outdoor concerts.
This year, I am on vacation, so I won't miss anything. Plus, my company (Macy's) doesn't allow us to take our vacation one or two days at a time, so I had to take today and tomorrow off as well. Since the temperature is going to be in the 90s today, my granddaughters and i plan to go to the splashpad at Merrifield park this afternoon. It's free and shady (which technically should be cooler), so it's a great place to go. They also like the playground, so should have fun.
I'm taking my camera and I hope to get a lot of pictures, too.
Here's to great family time!
My next vacation isn't until OCT. Alas--it will be cooler weatherwise, so no outdoor picnicking :( I plan to go to ND for a football game then :) The ticket is a combination birthday/anniversary gift from my husband. He doesn't like football, but knows I love ND football, so he gets me one every year.
Ta for now!
This year, I am on vacation, so I won't miss anything. Plus, my company (Macy's) doesn't allow us to take our vacation one or two days at a time, so I had to take today and tomorrow off as well. Since the temperature is going to be in the 90s today, my granddaughters and i plan to go to the splashpad at Merrifield park this afternoon. It's free and shady (which technically should be cooler), so it's a great place to go. They also like the playground, so should have fun.
I'm taking my camera and I hope to get a lot of pictures, too.
Here's to great family time!
My next vacation isn't until OCT. Alas--it will be cooler weatherwise, so no outdoor picnicking :( I plan to go to ND for a football game then :) The ticket is a combination birthday/anniversary gift from my husband. He doesn't like football, but knows I love ND football, so he gets me one every year.
Ta for now!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
My Car
This week my car, a '96 red neon, decided to overheat and continue overheating after I replaced coolant. A trip to the garage revealed a broken radiator. After many days of stress (because of course--not a dime saved for reairs!) It is finally up an running again.
The thing is, I have spent more money keeping this ridiculous car running than it's actually worth. (Don't most of us do this?) I CAN"T afford car payments, so into the shop it usually goes.
Oh well--until next time--it's running again. I will say this though, I got GREAT service from the garage that finally did the work. The price was right and the customer service was too. Kudos to all at Elbode Tires in Mishawaka, IN. Not only did they get it fixed in a relatively short period of time, they were $120 less than the other place I took it to.
Thanks, guys!
The thing is, I have spent more money keeping this ridiculous car running than it's actually worth. (Don't most of us do this?) I CAN"T afford car payments, so into the shop it usually goes.
Oh well--until next time--it's running again. I will say this though, I got GREAT service from the garage that finally did the work. The price was right and the customer service was too. Kudos to all at Elbode Tires in Mishawaka, IN. Not only did they get it fixed in a relatively short period of time, they were $120 less than the other place I took it to.
Thanks, guys!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Let me start by saying I am pretty sure my job is secure (for now). But I did have times when being unemployed seemed to be my way of life. I learned something from those times. The biggest thing I would say I learned is that the person I am and my life should NEVER NEVER be defined by what my work situation is. I may work as a salesperson right now, but that doesn't mean it's who I actually am. Jobs do not define who we are. They are JOBS. For the most part, they are temporary and it's not generally the end of the world if we don't have one. Believe it or not, they are replaceable. The "business" world is always changing. I always like to think of this as the "will this really matter in 20 years?" rule. Face it--no matter how much we like or dislike the work environment we are in, the situation we're in could change at any time. And, for the most part, the businesses we work in probably won't be around indefinitely.
This happened to a very close family member of mine yesterday. Without warning, she is no longer employed. I guess I'm writing this to her, and those in her shoes, to say don't sweat it. Life is your real job. The rest is just the stuff we have to put up with. The "yuck" , if you will.
The only thing I took from the jobs I've had are the friendships I gained and the lessons I learned. I learned what I am really good at. And, I learned what I'm really bad at. I also learned what I really don't want to work at again--EVER! (I could make a list, but that would be a boring read).
Chin up everyone! Remember, what doesn't kill us makes us strong.
This happened to a very close family member of mine yesterday. Without warning, she is no longer employed. I guess I'm writing this to her, and those in her shoes, to say don't sweat it. Life is your real job. The rest is just the stuff we have to put up with. The "yuck" , if you will.
The only thing I took from the jobs I've had are the friendships I gained and the lessons I learned. I learned what I am really good at. And, I learned what I'm really bad at. I also learned what I really don't want to work at again--EVER! (I could make a list, but that would be a boring read).
Chin up everyone! Remember, what doesn't kill us makes us strong.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Memorial Day weekend Sunday
I just finished watching youtube. The semifinals of Britains Got Talent was on and I just had to watch Susan Boyle. If this isn't a hoax, she is wonderful. Not to say it is a hoax, but she is just wonderful. She might look like an ordinary everday Scotswoman, but inside--Supervoice. She inspires just by being herself. Nothing flashy, just a beautiful voice. Of course, she did happen to sing 2 of my favorite songs, so I admit I'm a little prejudiced.
It just goes to show you--all of us have hidden talents (or maybe, not so hidden) and when we take advantage of those talents, good things come of them. Or, at least good things should come of them.
Today, I got a lot done at home. I mowed my lawn, weeded, played a little bit with my granddaughters and made dinner. I used the rhubarb growing in my own backyard and made rhubarb crunch. It's so good fresh. Also, fixed the rest of the fresh asparagus from my daughter Vicki's house and Spanish Rice with hamburger. Yum!
It just goes to show you--all of us have hidden talents (or maybe, not so hidden) and when we take advantage of those talents, good things come of them. Or, at least good things should come of them.
Today, I got a lot done at home. I mowed my lawn, weeded, played a little bit with my granddaughters and made dinner. I used the rhubarb growing in my own backyard and made rhubarb crunch. It's so good fresh. Also, fixed the rest of the fresh asparagus from my daughter Vicki's house and Spanish Rice with hamburger. Yum!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Food Inspector
Yesterday was looking to be another boring day w/few customers. Suddenly, around 7:00 p.m. or so, people started coming in. Until about 9:00 p.m. when everything came to a standstill again. Actually, I think it may have started a little earlier, around 6:00 or so. I couldn't believe it and neither could Jan. I made my sales goal by about 500 dollars. No credit apps, though.
I should stop for now. My shoulder is killing me!
I should stop for now. My shoulder is killing me!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Boring day, boring job
I swear, if things get any slower at work I will just go nuts. The thing about retail work is that if you don't have any customers (or very few), no stock to put out and nothing to clean up, there really is nothing to do. Our sales goals were way too high for today. There is no real sale going on, no coupon, nothing. Therefore, the amount of customers goes down considerably. One of our managers said (LOUDLY) "Why don't we try selling something today?" when he saw us standing together. Debbie, our bridal consultant, said (just as LOUDLY) "Why don't you get some customers in here?" Good thing the manager was Chris. I think he was just being facetious--he sometimes does that. O.K.--he always does that.
Too many people were just looking for bargains. Unfortunately, there were none to be had today. The minute they found out nothing was really on sale, they left.
The one good thing was that most people who did buy were really, really, nice today. Must be the good weather.
Also, tomorrow is a co-worker's birthday, so we got her a card and I baked an Italian Cream Cake (one of my mother's recipes) At least we had cake. Yum!
Too many people were just looking for bargains. Unfortunately, there were none to be had today. The minute they found out nothing was really on sale, they left.
The one good thing was that most people who did buy were really, really, nice today. Must be the good weather.
Also, tomorrow is a co-worker's birthday, so we got her a card and I baked an Italian Cream Cake (one of my mother's recipes) At least we had cake. Yum!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Bills,Bills, bills
I've got to try to find a new job that pays better than this one. The trouble is, I'm not actually good at much. I've worked retail for so long, don't want to spend the money to go back to school and learn something else (can't afford it anyway), and don't know what to do. I just got my heating and gas bill for the past 2 months and it is RIDICULOUS! What I don't understand is that I was supposedly on the "budget plan" which is supposed to be cheaper and easier to do. Then, the 'budget amount' went up for a couple of months (when it was SUPPOSEDLY GOING TO STAY THE SAME FOR AT LEAST A YEAR!!) and everything went nuts! Now, the amount is almost twice what I originally owed. WHY?. We are being held hostage by NIPSCO because, there is no other company to buy our natural gas from. What a ripoff!
At least I still have a job! What do people who are out of a job do? Any suggestions out there? I am beginning to wonder where this is all going to end. Too bad we can't live without our utilities. I would so love to try not using heat or electricity from these companies for a month, just to see what would happen to the bill.
There--I feel better. Sorry to rant so much.
When I think about it, it seems like the only 2 good things I have right now are my kids and my workplace (due to friends there--not working per se). Lately work is my social life. Since Tuesday is Sherry's birthday, I think I will make something special on Monday and take it in (She won't be there Tuesday and neither will I). On Saturday next week, I will definitely go to Meredith's graduation party. These 2 events amongst all the other funny, crazy stuff we do to keep our spirits up. We have the most FUN group at Macy's. Luv them all!
At least I still have a job! What do people who are out of a job do? Any suggestions out there? I am beginning to wonder where this is all going to end. Too bad we can't live without our utilities. I would so love to try not using heat or electricity from these companies for a month, just to see what would happen to the bill.
There--I feel better. Sorry to rant so much.
When I think about it, it seems like the only 2 good things I have right now are my kids and my workplace (due to friends there--not working per se). Lately work is my social life. Since Tuesday is Sherry's birthday, I think I will make something special on Monday and take it in (She won't be there Tuesday and neither will I). On Saturday next week, I will definitely go to Meredith's graduation party. These 2 events amongst all the other funny, crazy stuff we do to keep our spirits up. We have the most FUN group at Macy's. Luv them all!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
First post in awhile
Gee-- it's been awhile since my last blog. Sorry about that. I really didn't mean to take so long, it's just that I've been kinda tired lately. Work is really really slow and that seems to take more out of me than being really busy, like, at Christmastime. We aren't even what I would refer to as "steady". Today, I'm taking the day off (since it really is a day off). No kids, no yardwork (except for a slight trip to plant flowers at the cemetary). I'm going to the library, the cemetary, take my granddaughter to school and possibly visit my cousin Shelly in Michigan.
Last week, I had my youngest granddaughter's birthday, my daughter's anniversary, Mother's Day (I did yardwork and shopping w/daughter). I decided to make this my unofficial "Mother's Day" for me. In a few minutes, I will take my granddaughter to school and then I'm free to do what I want. Oh--I forgot, I did get to see the new Star Trek movie. I also spent Mother's Day watching old science fiction movies, something my husband likes to do. :(.
Today's my day! Yippee!
Last week, I had my youngest granddaughter's birthday, my daughter's anniversary, Mother's Day (I did yardwork and shopping w/daughter). I decided to make this my unofficial "Mother's Day" for me. In a few minutes, I will take my granddaughter to school and then I'm free to do what I want. Oh--I forgot, I did get to see the new Star Trek movie. I also spent Mother's Day watching old science fiction movies, something my husband likes to do. :(.
Today's my day! Yippee!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wish it Was Thursday
Not too much today. I have to start getting ready for work in a minute or so. I sure wish it was tomorrow, since I'm off then. I'm going to try to make some changes to this blog, i.e. layout, title, adding followers.
Yesterday was just a slow day, but we did get our department at work ready for today's visit. Hopefully everything turns out o.k. Lately, these corporate people are in our store more often than I am! I am soooo tempted to say, look--this is actually not the way it looks here normally. If you want the store to be so perfect, you do it! I'm way too tired at the end of the day to be trying to constantly clean. Last night, some idiot and his mother came at the last 5 minutes (literally--8:55 p.m) with a huge stack of towels. Thankfully, they didn't unfold stacks and stacks to get what they wanted. He complained about the price the whole time--I had half a notion to tell him to leave and go to K-mart or the dollar store. It's cheap, but so are the towels!
I never go into a store just before closing. It messes everything up for the people who work there. I realize it's our job to take care of the customer and I don't mind it, but people who are rude on top of extremely late really bother me.
Sorry--just taking time to vent.
Yesterday was just a slow day, but we did get our department at work ready for today's visit. Hopefully everything turns out o.k. Lately, these corporate people are in our store more often than I am! I am soooo tempted to say, look--this is actually not the way it looks here normally. If you want the store to be so perfect, you do it! I'm way too tired at the end of the day to be trying to constantly clean. Last night, some idiot and his mother came at the last 5 minutes (literally--8:55 p.m) with a huge stack of towels. Thankfully, they didn't unfold stacks and stacks to get what they wanted. He complained about the price the whole time--I had half a notion to tell him to leave and go to K-mart or the dollar store. It's cheap, but so are the towels!
I never go into a store just before closing. It messes everything up for the people who work there. I realize it's our job to take care of the customer and I don't mind it, but people who are rude on top of extremely late really bother me.
Sorry--just taking time to vent.
Monday, May 4, 2009

Today is my youngest Granddaughter Paige's 4th birthday. Yesterday, the rest of the family got to celebrate it while I had to work :( Oh well, the pictures look so cute, I had to share some with everyone.
Today, she and sort of celebrated on our own. I made some cupcakes, she made the frosting and now we are cleaning up. In a few minutes, we will go get her older sister from school and probably have a couple of cupcakes. Then I will take them home and finish cleaning up and making dinner.
It seems like time just goes by so darn fast. I was telling Paige how she was in the hospital four years ago today. She said "Yep--I came out of my Mommy's tummy!" I told her I will show her some pictures later from that day. There is one of Steven holding her and saying "You want to come to Papa's house, don't you?" These days, she always wants to come to Papa and Nana's house, and so does her sister. Yesterday, I got a phone call from them at 8:30 a.m. asking is someone here could make them pancakes. Naturally, Steven got up when he heard the phone ring and, about a half hour later, they were all in the kitchen making pancakes.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It worked! This is the first time I uploaded an image for my blog. Success! The dog is my youngest daughter's. Her name is Rockne Lou (can you tell we LOVE ND Football?) She's great dog! I told Vicki that this looks like her I'm being a watchdog pose. Now I'll have to take a picture of my other "granddog" Daisy and my "grandcat" Lex.
My first day back from vacation wasn't too bad. They actually paid me to stand around quite a bit today. Our business is sooo slooow. The only people in today did returns and checked prices for tomorrow's actual sale. One woman seemed upset that we can't give her tomorrow's sale prices and extra discount today--since she drove "all that way" is actually going to have us ship the items to her that she has on hold. Unless she manages to come back, that is. She has the sale coupon and book, but DIDN'T READ THE DATE ON THE COUPON. I can't tell you how many times this happens. People really need to learn to pay attention and read. Some people didn't actually receive any sale flyers, so they are off the hook if they came in today. They did take the coupon I gave them. Let's hope the come back tomorrow or sometime this weekend.
Then, there are the people who come in with the previous sale books and want the same sale prices or the same items available. Or, the ones who come in the last hour of the last day of the sale and complain because we are sold out of an item (usually cheap, ugly bedding) that has been on sale for the past 2 or 3 days. They always, always, ask the same question "Why don't you have any left"? I SO want to say "Because there are other people besides you who want the ugliest $39.99 comforter in the world."
Geez!! I love retail!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Vacation's Over--Husband is back from trip
Well--my vacation technically ended Friday. My last day of freedom until October. My husband, Steven, went to quilt camp (I know--a man?). He got home today. He makes the most beautiful quilts and really enjoys going. For 3 days I send my husband off with other women and only 1 other man. I LOVE IT!! HE LOVES IT!! Everyone gets to have fun. This is the first time I didn't have to work at least one day when he was gone. I did the same thing for his camp in October, so I'll have those days off, too. That's when I'll get to go the the ND/Washington game.
Now--it isn't quite back to work for me yet. I still have tomorrow off because it is my long weekend. However, I will have to work six days in a row when I do go back. I won't have the day off for Paige's birthday party, but I will be off on her actual birthday, so I think I'll plan something fun for her and I to do--just the 2 of us.
Now--it isn't quite back to work for me yet. I still have tomorrow off because it is my long weekend. However, I will have to work six days in a row when I do go back. I won't have the day off for Paige's birthday party, but I will be off on her actual birthday, so I think I'll plan something fun for her and I to do--just the 2 of us.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Finally Spring!
Yeah! 85 degrees and sunshine today. My granddaughters and I went to the park (finally). The 4 yr. old, Paige, has been begging to go to the park for a long time. In fact, as soon as the snow melted. It was still so cold that I constantly told her no. This afternoon, we all had a great time (including the dog, Daisy). This morning we had a lot of errands to do and finished just in time so that Paige's sister, Casi, could join us for our park adventure.
I only wish I had taken my camera, but, alas, I forgot it at home. Maybe next time. Tonight we are going to Battell Center for "Beauty and the Beast". It should be interesting--I don't think Paige has ever seen a live performance onstage.
Tomorrow, Casi and I are participating in the March of Dimes walk for premature babies. A friend of mine at work is a grandmother to a little boy who was born at around 5 months gestation. He is fine now, but it was definitely touch and go there for awhile. He turned 2 this year.
We look forward to a great weekend--a nice ending to my vacation. On Tuesday, it's back to work. I am just glad to have a job.
I only wish I had taken my camera, but, alas, I forgot it at home. Maybe next time. Tonight we are going to Battell Center for "Beauty and the Beast". It should be interesting--I don't think Paige has ever seen a live performance onstage.
Tomorrow, Casi and I are participating in the March of Dimes walk for premature babies. A friend of mine at work is a grandmother to a little boy who was born at around 5 months gestation. He is fine now, but it was definitely touch and go there for awhile. He turned 2 this year.
We look forward to a great weekend--a nice ending to my vacation. On Tuesday, it's back to work. I am just glad to have a job.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Day 5
I'm still getting adjusted on this my 5th full day with a new smile. I had to have an adjustment today--hopefully once the swelling goes down all the way the bottom will get better. It already seems to fit better since the adjustment this afternoon.
I am also spending my time watching movies that I want to see. However, I watched "Burn After Reading". Totally ridiculous take off on spy movies. Almost everyone dies in the end. The Cohen Bros. did it with some really big names who played totally against their usual characters. I found some of it funny, most of it stupid.
I'm going to watch "Rachel Getting Married" tomorrow. I like Ann Hathaway and it looked good--she's also playing against type. The only other things I've seen her in are 2 Disney things and "Devil Wears Prada". This seems like a stretch for her, which is probably a good thing. To play the same type of character over and over again is boring.
The other thing I did today is read my youngest daughter's blog. I was surprised to find one about the play I did at Notre Dame last month. After 30 some years, I finally appeared onstage again. I loved the whole experience! It was a small part, something I could handle, and I got to go to 2 of my most favorite places--any theater, onstage and Notre Dame! I thought I would be too nervous, but it really felt like going home. I am definitely planning on doing it again. There is a production at our local theater--South Bend Civic, that I'm thinking seriously of auditioning for. It would take more time and more work, but it's a play I've always loved. I actually did a scene from it about 36 years ago when I was at IUSB. The only thing is, it would probably be hard to do because of my work schedule at Macys. still, it's something to consider.
My family will really be amazed if I did a whole show. Still, once i got my feet wet, I definitely wanted to do it again. I two of the women who have worked with South Bend Civic for many years, so I wouldn't actually be working with strangers. That reminds me I really should e-mail my contact info to Margie Davis. I told her I would give it to her, but I forgot about it. I think I still have her e-mail. Margie has directed plays at South Bend Civic for many years and also performed in them.
I am also spending my time watching movies that I want to see. However, I watched "Burn After Reading". Totally ridiculous take off on spy movies. Almost everyone dies in the end. The Cohen Bros. did it with some really big names who played totally against their usual characters. I found some of it funny, most of it stupid.
I'm going to watch "Rachel Getting Married" tomorrow. I like Ann Hathaway and it looked good--she's also playing against type. The only other things I've seen her in are 2 Disney things and "Devil Wears Prada". This seems like a stretch for her, which is probably a good thing. To play the same type of character over and over again is boring.
The other thing I did today is read my youngest daughter's blog. I was surprised to find one about the play I did at Notre Dame last month. After 30 some years, I finally appeared onstage again. I loved the whole experience! It was a small part, something I could handle, and I got to go to 2 of my most favorite places--any theater, onstage and Notre Dame! I thought I would be too nervous, but it really felt like going home. I am definitely planning on doing it again. There is a production at our local theater--South Bend Civic, that I'm thinking seriously of auditioning for. It would take more time and more work, but it's a play I've always loved. I actually did a scene from it about 36 years ago when I was at IUSB. The only thing is, it would probably be hard to do because of my work schedule at Macys. still, it's something to consider.
My family will really be amazed if I did a whole show. Still, once i got my feet wet, I definitely wanted to do it again. I two of the women who have worked with South Bend Civic for many years, so I wouldn't actually be working with strangers. That reminds me I really should e-mail my contact info to Margie Davis. I told her I would give it to her, but I forgot about it. I think I still have her e-mail. Margie has directed plays at South Bend Civic for many years and also performed in them.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
New Day
I'm watching a Reelzchannel show called "What I learned from the Movies". I am actually just listening, but this guy just said the most ridiculous thing. Why he thinks everyone would be interested in what he did the day his son was born when it was such an unbelievably stupid thing to have done. I know--only my opinion. Their current topic is What I learned From Amnesia about the movies. They talked about Groundhog Day and are talking about how to remove selected memories only from your memory -- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Today I actually ate regular meals for the first time since I got dentures. O.K.--soft cookies, eggs, and mac and cheese are easy anyway. I can't get used to not using my front teeth. I'm going to surprise my husband and cook dinner tonight. Dessert is Gooey Butter Cake. Dinner will be Spanish Rice casserole so I can use up the rest of the ground beef. I'm going to try to eat everything.
I better stop. My right arm is starting to hurt. Later!
Today I actually ate regular meals for the first time since I got dentures. O.K.--soft cookies, eggs, and mac and cheese are easy anyway. I can't get used to not using my front teeth. I'm going to surprise my husband and cook dinner tonight. Dessert is Gooey Butter Cake. Dinner will be Spanish Rice casserole so I can use up the rest of the ground beef. I'm going to try to eat everything.
I better stop. My right arm is starting to hurt. Later!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
2nd post
O.K., so now I actually have 2 different blogs going. This is so strange! I had to create another one for my other e-mail. Maybe I'll keep up the 2 at a time.
I can't stay on too long, though. My granddaughter and I are going to the Blue and Gold game at ND this morning. We will need to stop and get some cash before, so I need to go to the bank, too.
The great thing is, my gums seem to be in better shape than yesterday! Yeah! Maybe I can actually eat something today. I'll take Slimfast with me just in case. I'll pick up some food for Casi and me anyway, though. Probably something soft for me and some chicken for her. We are going to "tailgate", so taking chairs with us, too. Probably the cooler, too.
Ta-ta for now!
I can't stay on too long, though. My granddaughter and I are going to the Blue and Gold game at ND this morning. We will need to stop and get some cash before, so I need to go to the bank, too.
The great thing is, my gums seem to be in better shape than yesterday! Yeah! Maybe I can actually eat something today. I'll take Slimfast with me just in case. I'll pick up some food for Casi and me anyway, though. Probably something soft for me and some chicken for her. We are going to "tailgate", so taking chairs with us, too. Probably the cooler, too.
Ta-ta for now!
Friday, April 17, 2009
My first post
O.K. This is my first ever blog, other than Facebook or Twitter. I love, love, love to write. My vacation starts today and I cleverly (thru no fault of my own, actually) had yesterday as my day off. I will not have to go to work until the end of the month!!!
Yesterday, I went to the dentist and got dentures, which I have actually needed for at least a couple of years. Mouth is still a little tender, but is much better. My follow-up exam went really well and everything seems to be healing.
A big thank-you to my family who got me through yesterday with flying colors! In a little while I'm actually going out to shop for a card. My cousin's wife (which makes her my cousin by marriage) passed away very suddenly yesterday. His sister e-mailed us the sad news. The poor woman also had the misfortune to die on her birthday. The funeral is in Syracuse Indiana, but since I have never been there and it is quite a distance (I think) from Mishawaka, I will only get to send a card.
Well, enough for now. I hope to post a picture.
Yesterday, I went to the dentist and got dentures, which I have actually needed for at least a couple of years. Mouth is still a little tender, but is much better. My follow-up exam went really well and everything seems to be healing.
A big thank-you to my family who got me through yesterday with flying colors! In a little while I'm actually going out to shop for a card. My cousin's wife (which makes her my cousin by marriage) passed away very suddenly yesterday. His sister e-mailed us the sad news. The poor woman also had the misfortune to die on her birthday. The funeral is in Syracuse Indiana, but since I have never been there and it is quite a distance (I think) from Mishawaka, I will only get to send a card.
Well, enough for now. I hope to post a picture.
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